Public Records Request

When making a public records request to the City of Depoe Bay, you may submit the attached Public Records Request Form by info [at] (email), in person, or by mail addressed to:

City of Depoe Bay

P.O. Box 8

Depoe Bay, OR 97341

Clearly identify the records/documents being requested, being as specific as possible. Include your contact information, including your name, mailing address, telephone number, and email address.

The City Recorder will review your public records request and may ask for additional information for clarification. The City Recorder will provide a written response to you, which will include an estimate of time to respond to your request and an estimate of fees that must be paid as a condition of receiving the public records. You will be asked to acknowledge in writing:

  • Receipt of the estimates
  • Confirmation to proceed with fulling your request

Fees charged for responding to public records requests are based on Resolution #514-21 which can be found under Resolutions.

Public Records Request Fees
Type Fee
Letter Size copy 29¢ per sheet
Large (11x17) & Color copy 58¢ per sheet
Large (outsource) copy at actual cost to the City
Sound recording copy $9.20 per audio tape
Faxes - outgoing $2.30 first page, 58¢ each additional page
Electronic copy to CD or DVD $15.53 per disk
Electronic copy sent via email or loaded to requestor-provided compatible media $0 for less than 5 MB; Staff time for larger
Paper document scan to PDF 58¢ per page
City Staff time $34.50 per hour; minimum 1/4 hour
City Planner & City Attorney time At actual cost/hourly rate